

Interaction with industry and other research and development laboratories nationally or internationally have been and will be an integral part of our research efforts. The nature of our research is highly interdisciplinary and we believe in team effort and individual excellence.

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Prof. Cooper teaches Mechanical Engineering courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in the fields related to thermofluids, heat transfer, and energy.

Current and upcoming courses taught by Prof. Cooper:

  • MECH 3203 Heat Transfer
  • MECH 4201 Transport Phenomena
  • MECH 4203 Energy Conversion and Storage
  • MECH 6106 Radiative Transfer

Courses previously taught:

  • MECH 3504 Thermofluid Laboratory
  • ENG1101 Renaissance Engineer 1: Ethics, Communication, and Problem Solving

For a short description of the undergraduate courses above, please visit Lassonde MECH Undergrad Courses. Please contact Prof. Cooper if you are interested in learning more about any of these courses!